
NPR  – October 5, 2015
California Governor Signs Landmark Right-To-Die Law

Washington Post (George Will)  – August 28, 2015
Affirming a right to die with dignity
Jennifer Glass, a Californian who died Aug. 11, drew one. She said to her state legislators, “I’m doing everything I can to extend my life. No one should have the right to prolong my death.”

Compassion & Choices  – August 11, 2015
Remembering Jennifer Glass

Oprah.com – March 15, 2015
Why this Woman is Fighting for the Right to Die

01-21-15 Sacramento press conference 2
I’m Not Fearless, but End-of-Life Options Help Me to Fear Less (VIDEO 04:16)
I spoke at the state capitol in Sacramento at the introduction of the End-of-Life Option Act (SB 128) for California.
 January 21, 2015

March 11 - b
A Photo a Day: One Year with Cancer (VIDEO 02:10)
My husband Harlan took my picture every day for a year, starting on the day I was diagnosed with lung cancer (January 5, 2013). The song, “I Seem to Have Cancer Today,” is sung by my brother, Lawrence Glass, co-written by Lawrence and me. The video was made by my brother-in-law, Joel Cohen.
March 18, 2014